Is This The Retirement You Envision?
Calculate the amount of savings required monthly to enjoy financial freedom after you retire.

Retirement Savings Calculator 
Use this retirement savings calculator to find out how much retirement savings will be worth in the future.
Investment Frequency | |
(e.g: 10,000) |
(e.g: 10) |
(e.g: 10) |
Note: Any early withdrawal OR in excess of 50% withdrawal at OR after retirement will attract Withholding tax as per Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 (U/s 23A of Part 1 of The Second Schedule). Income from Income Payment Plans is also subject to income tax in the hands of Participant as per Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 w.e.f 1st July, 2022 as the exemption has been withdrawn through The Finance Act, 2022.

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