Al ‐Ameen Islamic Dedicated Equity Fund

An avenue for investing in Equities managed by professional fund managers.

Al ‐Ameen Islamic Dedicated Equity Fund

Why invest in Al ‐Ameen Islamic Dedicated Equity Fund?

  • Profit Payout every 6 months

  • Competitive Regular returns

  • Duration of Plan - 36 months

Investment Objective:

The Investment objective of the fund is to provide other ‘Fund of Fund’ schemes and avenue for investing in Shariah compliant equities.

Al-Ameen Dedicated Equity Fund (AIDEF) is ideal for investors who:

  • Want to earn a stable return on your savings
  • Want to save money for emergencies.
  • Want instant access to your money at all times.

Net Asset Value

Offer Price316.3523
Selling Price 316.3523
As on: 27-Mar-2024

Fund Return Calculator

Al ‐Ameen Islamic Dedicated Equity Fund

Need more information about the fund? Here’s what you need to know.

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Fund Information
Rs.10000Minimum investment
Rs.10000Minimum subsequent investment
Investment charges 3% (FEL) of Net Asset Value
Management fee (annual) 2% of Net Asset Value
Fund ratingN/A
Redemption (withdrawl) charges
1.00% 1st Year
0.75% 2nd Year
0.25% 3rd Year
Risk & Reward Potential


Risk of Principal Erosion


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    Risk Disclaimer: All Investments in mutual Fund are subject to market risks. The NAV of Units may go down or up based on the market conditions. The investors are advised in their own interest to carefully read the contents of the Offering Document, in particular the Investment Policies mentioned in clause 2.2, Risk Factors mentioned in clause 2.6 , Taxation Policies mentioned in Clause 7 and Warnings in Clause 9 before making any investment decision. UBL Funds (Management company of Al-Ameen Funds) may share commission out of management fee earned to the sales teams of the Company or its distributor(s) earned on his/her/their own investment(s)

    Fund Documents

    Download the latest fund related document for Al ‐Ameen Islamic Dedicated Equity Fund

    Al-Ameen Funds E-Acc.
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