UBL Funds Mobile-Transact service enables a user to make instant transactions via simple SMS messages. For registration, please sms REG to 8258 or call us at 0800-00026.

– Your 4-Digit PIN is confidential and you’re requested to keep it safe for further transactions in your account
– This service is not available for ‘Jointly Operated Accounts’ and ‘Institutional’ clients
– Your UBL Funds Tele-Transact 4-Digit PIN can also be used for Mobile-Transact service

How to make transactions for redemption of Units:

For online payment:

Step 1: Send an SMS to 8258 using the following format:

MRED<space>10-digit Customer ID<space>Fund/Plan short name<space>Amount or %<space>Mode of Payment<space>4-digit PIN
E.g. MRED 00001234-1 ULPF 100% Online 1234


sms MRED to 8258 (the standard SMS format of a redemption request will be sent in response)

Step 2: If a client has multiple bank accounts listed in our records then the following acknowledgment SMS will be sent.
Dear Client, you have multiple accounts registered in profile. Please reply by selecting one bank name from following list in order to transfer the funds.

1. HBL
2. UBL
3. Meezan Bank

Note: Online funds transfer facility is available with 1-Link Banks only.

Step 3: An sms in the following format will be sent by UBL Funds to confirm the transaction’s details:

ID: 00001234-1
From: ULPF
Amount/%: 100%
Mode of payment: Online/Cheque
Please confirm above redemption transaction details by replying this SMS with Y or N.

Step 4: Receipt of an SMS confirming transaction’s submission.

For issuance of a Payment Instrument:

Step 1: Send an SMS to 8258 using the following format:

MRED<space>10-digit Customer ID<space> Fund/Plan short name <space>Amount or %<space>Mode of Payment<space>4-digit PIN
E.g. MRED 00001234-1 ULPF 100% PI 1234

Step 2: An sms in the following format will be sent by UBL Funds to confirm the transaction’s details:

ID: 00001234-1
From: ULPF
Amount/%: 100%
Mode of payment: Cheque

Please confirm above redemption transaction details by replying this SMS with Y or N.
You will receive a Payment Instrument on your registered mailing address upon confirmation.

Step 3: Receipt of an SMS confirming transaction’s submission.

How to make transactions for conversion of Units:

Step 1: Send an SMS to 8258 using the following format:
MCON<space>10-digit Customer ID<space>From Fund/Plan short name<space>To Fund/Plan short name <space>Amount or %<space>4-digit PIN
E.g. MCON 00001234-1 ULPF USF 10000 1234


sms MCON to 8258 (the standard SMS format of a conversion request will be sent in response)

Step 2: An sms in the following format will be sent by UBL Funds to confirm the transaction’s details:

ID: 00001234-1
From Fund: ULPF
To Fund: USF
Amount/%: 10000
Please confirm above conversion transaction details by replying this SMS with Y or N.

Step 3: Receipt of an SMS confirming transaction’s submission.

Al-Ameen Funds E-Acc.
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    Note: Fields marked with * are mandatory

    Not registered to UBL Funds Online?
    sms ONLINE to 8258

    Forgot your username or password?
    call 0800-00026